PULMONOLOGISTThe Pulmonologist of Tamilnadu -
ASSOCIATION OF PULMONOLOGIST TAMILNADU(Registered Under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975(Tamil Nadu Act,1975 – SI. No. 222/2016))
Our Vision
The association of pulmonologist of Tamil Nadu is registered organization catering to the needs of the practising pulmonologists in our state. The main focus would be to provide a robust and meaningful Platform for Education, Interaction and Cohesive Knowledge Sharing for all the pulmonologist in the state.
Our Mission
To create a forum to share the expertise and knowledge among the pulmonologist of this region and encourage in advancing the knowledge and practice of Pulmonary Medicine. Hold an annual conference in different regions of Tamil Nadu along with Puducherry Chest Association, organize fellowship programs and conduct hands on training, workshops in recent advances in our speciality. Conducting a common prize exam for the students of pulmonary medicine and bringing out a Quarterly Journal are our future plan . Bringing out a directory of Pulmonologist of Tamil Nadu in our website with the services available with them for the benefit of our own colleagues and for other speciality people. The Association will co-ordinate with other Regional, National and International societies of our field to promote the objectives of our association.